January 21, 2011

Waking Up to the Bad News in Concord

Today's Concord Monitor includes a story that begins to address the considerable impact the proposed Northern Pass would have in the center of the state. Residents are starting to wake up to the fact that the proposal isn't just bad for the North Country, it's bad all the way to Deerfield.


January 20, 2011

TNC Comments Oppose Northern Pass

As the opposition blog 'Bury the Northern Pass' noted in a posting this week, the New Hampshire Chapter of The Nature Conservancy is opposing the Northern Pass project. In the conclusion of comments that can be found via the link below, TNC writes that "...we do not believe based on the information provided in the application that the applicant has demonstrated an overall benefit of this project to New Hampshire and the region..."

Here's a link to Bury the Northern Pass blog: http://burynorthernpass.blogspot.com/

January 12, 2011

On Second Thought

It's becoming a common experience: after thinking through the dramatic impacts of the proposed Northern Pass project, thoughtful opinion leaders are coming to the conclusion that it's just not a good idea for New Hampshire. Former State Sen. Deb Reynolds of Plymouth writes this week that after initially 'welcoming' the project, she has since concluded that its not at all good for our economy.

Northern Pass Sass

Good story by Lorna Colquhoun in the Union Leader that starts to explore the impact of the proposed transmission superhighway on individual landowners. The UL wouldn't show a picture of the sign uncensored, so I've included it here. A fundamental problem of this proposal is that there would appear to be no public benefit to New Hampshire, even as landowners like Mark McCullock and Chelsea Petereit are being asked to sacrifice their lifestyles and livelihoods.

January 11, 2011

White Mountain News Editorial

Interesting editorial by Jeff Woodburn of White Mountain News. Jeff is a veteran journalist in the North Country, so his take on this is worth noting. Northern Pass has tried hard to establish an aura of inevitability, and those who think its a particularly bad idea for New Hampshire need to know that it's not a given.

January 4, 2011

Union Leader Editorial Related to Northern Pass

The point of this Union Leader editorial isn't crystal clear, but I gather that they are saying that, like Northern Pass, RGGI also carries with it certain consequences. True enough. What one might take issue with, however, is the assumption that the Northern Pass proposal is "green". The jury is still very much out on that.