October 12, 2012

$650K and Climbing Thanks to 99% Claim

The Forest Society's Trees Not Towers campaign to thwart Northern Pass with conservation easements that block the intended route is getting an unexpected boost this week. Donors reacting to claims by Northeast Utilities that they have "about 99 percent of the property necessary to announce a new proposed route" through New Hampshire's North Country and south through Groveton, Plymouth, Franklin, Concord and on to Deerfield have made the total raised-to-date up to $650,000 towards the $2.5 million goal.
The more than $200K in donations is the most of any week since the campaign began. The deadline is Oct. 31. Donations can be made online here, or by calling Susanne Kibler-Hacker at 224-9945.

The intended route itself is no great mystery--if you're interested in seeing their intended route through northern Coos County, click here to see a map based on the lands and rights-of-way they've acquired to the tune of about $20 million. From Groveton to Franklin to Concord to Deerfield they propose to add towers up to 135-feet high and transmission lines along an existing PSNH distribution line ROW. In the White Mountain National Forest, where a Special Use Permit is required, they propose to replace the existing 50-60 foot wooden pole structures with two sets of metal towers extending well above average tree height at 85 feet.

All of which is moot if they can't get from point A to point B across conserved lands. Stay tuned as additional donations toward our Trees Not Towers blocking action are in the works.

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